Private Policy

2024-01-30 17:13:52

1. Introduction

Website  wants to bring a reliable, economical and user-friendly online shopping facility. We realize that customers use e-commerce platforms to shop, but not everyone wants to share their personal information. We, Tien Gia Joint Stock Company, respect the privacy of our customers and commit to protecting our customers' personal information when customers trust us to provide our customers' personal information to us when shopping at the e-commerce trading floor This is the principle when accessing privacy and personal information at the e-commerce trading floor


2. This Personal Information Privacy Policy includes the following contents:

2.1. Approval

By giving us your personal information, you agree that your personal information will be collected and used as outlined in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, you should stop providing us with any personal information and/or using the rights as set forth in Section 7 below. We reserve the right to amend and supplement this Policy at any time. We encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Policy for the latest updates to ensure you are aware of and exercise your rights to manage your personal information.

2.2. Purpose of collection

We collect personal information only necessary for the following purposes:

- Orders: to handle issues related to your orders;

- Account Maintenance: to create and maintain your account with us, including loyalty or rewards programs associated with your account;

- Consumer Services, Customer Care Services: including responses to your requests, complaints and feedback;

- Personalization: We can combine the data collected to have a more complete view of a consumer and thereby allow us to serve better with stronger personalization across aspects. edge, including but not limited to:

(i) to improve and personalize your experience on

(ii) to improve amenities and services, tailor them to individualized needs and come up with new service ideas

(iii) to serve you with referrals and advertising tailored to your interests.

- Security: for the purposes of preventing activities that destroy customer user accounts or customer impersonation activities.

As required by law: depending on the provisions of law from time to time, we may collect, store and provide at the request of competent state agencies.

2.3. Collection range

We collect your personal information when:

  • You provide it directly to us.
  • The personal information you provide to us is mainly done on including: full name, email address, phone number, address, login information. The account includes any information needed to set up the account such as login name, login password, login ID/address and security question/answer.
  • You interact with us. We use cookies and other tracking technology to collect certain information when you interact on the website
  • From other legal sources. We may collect personal information from other lawful sources.

2.4. Storage time

The customer's personal information will be stored until the customer requests to cancel or the customer logs in and makes the cancellation. In all cases, customers' personal information will be kept confidential on's server

2.5. Do not share customer information

We will not provide your personal information to any third party, except for some necessary activities below:

  • Partners are the parties that provide services to us related to order fulfillment and are limited to the scope of necessary information as well as applying regulations to ensure security and confidentiality of personal information.
  • We may use services from a third party service provider to perform certain activities related to and this third party may then access or process such information. personal information during the provision of those services. We require these third parties to comply with all relevant personal information protection laws and security requirements relating to personal information.
  • Legal Requirements: We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law and such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes.
  • Business transfer (if any): in the event of a full or partial merger or consolidation with another company, the buyer will have the right to access information stored and maintained by us, including information personal message.

2.6. Data safety

We always strive to keep our customers' personal information safe. We have been implementing many safety measures, including:

  • Ensuring security in the operating environment: we store personal customer information in a secure operating environment and are only accessible to employees, representatives and service providers on an as needed basis. know. We follow industry standards and laws in protecting customer personal information.
  • In case the information server is attacked by hackers leading to loss of customer personal data, we will be responsible for reporting the incident to the authorities for timely investigation and notification. customers are known.
  • Payment information: secured according to industry standards.

2.7. Customer rights to personal information

Customers have the right to provide personal information to us and can change that decision at any time. Customers have the right to check, update, and adjust their personal information by logging into their account and editing personal information or asking us to do this.

2.8. Contact Info

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or our actual collection and management of personal information, please contact us by calling hotline: 0913505919.


Thank you very much!

Created At 2024-01-30 17:13:52 - Updated At: 2024-09-19 08:20:19